DIY Dice Tray

8x9 inch wooden dice tray
8×9 inch wooden dice tray

I’ve been looking to make my own dice tray for our Tabletop Game Nights and I finally found the perfect box. This wooden box is about 8 by 9 inches and it was dirt cheap from Daiso. If you’re familiar with Daiso you’ll know that nearly everything in the store is priced at $1.50. I also bought the green felt from Daiso for another $1.50 but it was way more felt than I needed. So overall I spent about $3 for what I’ve seen on go for $15 or more.

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d3.js Simple Responsive Line Graph with Animation: Part 2

I’m back for another addition of d3.js for noobs. I’m a professional developer but I’m no d3.js pro, but I believe I’ve learned a few things that could be useful.

marginContainer.append( 'path' )
    .datum( startData )
    .attr('class', 'line')
    .attr( 'd', line )
    .duration( 500 )
    .attrTween( 'd', function() {
      var interpolator = d3.interpolateArray( startData, data );

      return function( t ) {
        return line( interpolator( t ) );
    } )
    .each('end', function() {
      drawCircles( data, marginContainer );

So last time we got to the point where we’re calling the drawCircles() function. When you use .each('end', function(){ the function gets called at the end of each selection. In this case we only have one selection.

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d3.js Simple Responsive Line Graph with Animation

While introducing myself to the fantastic data visualization library d3.js I figured I might as well post some of the things I’ve learned.

I needed a responsive line graph with just a little bit of animation to give my graph some life. I also wanted to be able to see details of the exact plot points on the graph. Lastly I wanted the graph to be able to animate if the data was ever swapped out for new data. After a little bit of work the result was the following graph below. The code is far from perfect but it’s definitely a starting point.

See the Pen d3.js Simple Responsive Line Graph with Animation by Tawin Kiethanom (@tawink) on CodePen.

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