I’m back for another addition of d3.js for noobs. I’m a professional developer but I’m no d3.js pro, but I believe I’ve learned a few things that could be useful.
marginContainer.append( 'path' ) .datum( startData ) .attr('class', 'line') .attr( 'd', line ) .transition() .duration( 500 ) .ease('quad') .attrTween( 'd', function() { var interpolator = d3.interpolateArray( startData, data ); return function( t ) { return line( interpolator( t ) ); } } ) .each('end', function() { drawCircles( data, marginContainer ); });
So last time we got to the point where we’re calling the drawCircles()
function. When you use .each('end', function(){
the function gets called at the end of each selection. In this case we only have one selection.